Each year, the Tennessee releases the state report card, which looks at each individual school
system and the overall academic progress. In 2012, Cookeville High School’s composite ACT
scores ranked at 21.3, while the state’s were a lesser 19.2. The attendance rate at CHS was a
pleasing 96.5%, while out graduation rate was 93.9%, with an increase of almost ten percent
from the previous year.
When interviewed, Mr. Ward said, “We administrators at CHS were so excited by the
information we received;...
December 6, 2012

By Sarah Nisbet
Ever wonder if you’re a hipster? Well for a quick self check ask yourself the question, “Do I like Mumford & Sons?” If your answer is yes, you just might be the embodiment of the increasingly vague definition of a hipster. However, the phrase is not mutually exclusive and not all who like the indie rock gods Mumford & Sons have to be a hipster, so don’t freak out. Whether hipster...
“All I want for Christmas is youuu!” But really, I’m dealing with heartbreak this holiday season. How can I take my mind off it?
Egg nog and candy canes.
What are some creative gift ideas?
Anything homemade. Or a giant stuffed giraffe. Your pick.
Thoughts on No Shave November—Are you glad it’s over?
Over? This face full of fur isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
What are you looking forward to most this holiday season?
Sweaters. Especially turtlenecks, although they have to be altered a...
By Abbie King
It’s almost Christmas break. The year is almost halfway over, which means the seniors are that
much closer to graduating. As seniors, I think our Christmas list should be the priority this year…
Dear Santa,
It’s hard to believe this is, technically, our last Christmas as children. We didn’t realize how
quickly this final year was approaching, and we didn’t appreciate the previous Christmases as
we should have. Can we be quite frank, Santa? We’re weary to see this major chapter...
By Justin Pearson
The sounds of shoes squeaking, and basketballs being dribbled on the gym floor are back again. The 2012 CHS boys basketball team has begun its season, and are eager for a big year this year. With six seniors returning for the Cavaliers, the boys are loaded with talent and experience. Mat Case, Trey Henderson, Lucas Ledbetter, Phoenix Roberts, Phillip Roper, and Elijah Scott are all ready to begin their final season at CHS and their hoping they can make this...

By Stone Fagan
Along with the new presence of fall weather and Thanksgiving, came the beloved Macy’s Day Parade. This year was the 86th annual parade and occurred on November 22 in New York at 9 a.m. EST. Boasting more than 3.5 million viewers along the parade route this year, and 50 million watching the televised broadcast, the 10,000 participants in the parade had quite an enormous crowd....
By Bethany Bray
The time of year when our houses smell of pine and cookies is right around the corner. That's right, friends, Christmas is almost here! Soon we will be violently tearing open presents from underneath our tree, and giving out hugs to family members who we are spending the holidays with. We will feel butterflies in the pits of our stomaches when we see our parents walking in the house with hands filled with shopping bags, hoping that the majority of the things in those bags are for...
By Cody Thompson
One of Cookeville High School’s own, Ms. Julie Smith, recently had a well-deserved
vacation to California. Ms. Smith left Nashville on Saturday, November 11th.
Accompanying her on this trip was her best friend of 35 years, Kelley Hudgens, who
resides in Atlanta, Georgia.
Upon her arrival in Los Angeles California, the first place Ms. Smith visited was
California’s famous burger stop, In-N-Out Burger. Ms. Smith commented on this
burger stop saying that, “It was delicious…I ate there...
By Matt Billings
The sound of easy listening Christmas music, the smell of gingerbread cookies, the feeling of semi-itchy sweaters, all of these are synonymous with Christmas traditions in America, and lest we forget, good ol’ Santa bringing us some well deserved gifts via the fireplace. What else, though, do people do during this beloved holiday season? Every continent and almost every single country has its own way of celebrating Christmas.
Let’s first take a look at the Christmas traditions...
By Scott Proffitt
In the famous words of Michael Buffer, “Let’s get ready to rumble!” It’s time to strap on
the head gear and roll out the mats because wrestling season is here again! Now that the football
season has reached its conclusion, Coach Cook is geared and ready for the wrestling season.
When asked about the transition from football to wrestling, Coach Cook replied, “Being head
coach of football and of wrestling both entail much of the same things as far as preparation goes.
The only difference...
By Abbie King
It has come to my attention that manners and etiquette as a whole are recently being pushed
to the wayside. More specifically, though, I have observed the etiquette and poise young ladies
once carried themselves with is being continuously disregarded. Although I do understand that
some girls don’t want to appease sexism by falling into the stereotype of a “girl,” I believe there
is a huge difference between a girl and a lady. A girl cares what others think. A girl lets others

By Sarah Foy
Kony 2012. You watched the video, you saw the facebook statuses. If
you’re like me, your heart broke to see a man, Joseph Kony, abduct hundreds of
children and force them to kill their parents and fight in the Lord’s Resistance
Army in this war waging across Africa. And, if you’re like me, you wanted to know
what was being done to help these children. Exile International is a program...
By Rachel Fox
The girl’s basketball team looks promising this year. The CHS senior girls are Hannah Goolsby (#24), Sydney Robinson (#11), and Libby Ligon (#5). The junior girls are Alison Odom (#21) and Sydney Marek (#25). Sophomore girls are Haylie Kieth (#1), Syvannah Mayberry (#30), Merriel Craighead (#32), and Kylie Oliphant (#22). Freshman girls are Karagan Turner (#10) and Toiya Gwynn (#20). With the fantastic leadership of coach Mindy Odom and assistant coaches Janie Brock and Michelle Snow,...

By Rogerr Festerr Nolan
Cookeville High School is home to many interesting, if not peculiar, inhabitants. Among
the coolest of these kids, though, is Joshua Thomas Groves, a Junior. Just what makes Josh
cool you may ask? I set
out to find out myself and boy was I surprised at what I found.
Well for one thing, he is quite good at kayaking. “I’m actually training to be on the Junior
Olympic kayak...

By Josh Huddleston
The CHS Interact Club held its 15th annual Blood Drive on Thursday, November 15th. Set up began at 7:15 in the Mezzanine, and the Blood
Drive started at 8:00 and ran until 1:00. Students that signed up were
assigned a time to come give blood. On average, between 75 to 90 units of blood are
donated each year, this year's donation coming in at 86- enough to save 258...

By Beth Kelly
Swim season here at CHS is in full swing, beginning in November and
closing near the end of January. The swim team practices five days
a week, either before or after school. Practice includes: running,
swimming; distance (testing to see how far you can swim in a certain
amount of time), pulls, and kicks (different types of strength exercises
for their arms and legs) in order to succeed...

By Sarah Nisbet
“Just hear those sleigh bells ringing and jing ting tingaling too. Come on its lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you.” I can almost hear the content sighs as the spirit of Christmas transforms the world into a winter wonderland for a few short months. However, I’m sure I’m not the only one to have heard those songs even before Halloween, and we all know the Christmas fanatics...

By Destiny Rector
Every year, CHS takes an afternoon to display the talent it offers in the annual Talent Show. The Talent Show was put together by the Choral Department and the Student Congress and was held on November 20th in the gymnasium. The cost to attend was $3, and it was held following a shortened fourth block. There were many amazing acts this year with students from all different walks...
December 3, 2012

By Kayla Hardin
Every year here at CHS we elect Senior Superlatives. This is where we spotlight some of our seniors for achieving high and representing the very best our school has to offer.
Mr and Miss Cavalier
Mr. and Miss Cavalier : Coleman Hawkins and Shelby Enochs
Mr and Miss Senior Class: John Gleason and Bailey Rose
Most Likely to Succeed: Coleman Hawkins and Colleen...

By Jenna Lee Stevens
On September 12, 2012, scientists announced the discovery of a new monkey species, the Lesula, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The unfamiliar, brightly colored primate has a naked face with a think blond mane, red patch on its lower back, and aquamarine buttocks. Lesula monkeys typically weigh 12 pounds and measure around 20 inches. While new insect...
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