September 21, 2012

Parent Teachers

By Alex Camuti

There are many Cavaliers whose parents also spend their days at CHS.
I discussed with Bethany Bray, junior, what she thought about having parents that work in the same school she attends. She told me that it is pretty convienent because she can always find them when she needs help on something or wants to ask them a question. Bethany also told me that she might have mixed feelings towards having parents who work at the school if students did not like having them as teachers.
I asked her what her parents thought about having a child in the school, and she told me this. "They think it's very nice because if they need to talk to me about something they always know where I am and can come see me in a matter of minutes." She also said that it is nice because if her grades ever start slipping or a class isn't going too well, her parents can always come and talk to the teacher about what's going on and usually get it straightened out in a short period of time. 
When I talked to Mr. Teeters about what his thoughts regarding having a child in the same school that he works in, he said,"It's a lot less of a hassle than when Cameron used to go to a different school. I can always find him if I need to talk to him and it's nice to not have to drive to another school after work and pick my son up. But I doubt he would say the same thing." So overall, the students who have parents that work at Cookeville High School like it because it makes certain things a lot easier. The kids enjoy being able to eat in their parents rooms and talk to them whenever they want to.


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